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Air Conditioning

two ac unitDo you have a brand new home in the works? Are you ready to start thinking about how you will keep that home cool throughout the summer season? Or are you simply looking to incorporate a whole–house cooling system into an existing property? Whatever the specifics of your situation may be, you should know that you can count on our fine technicians to complete your air conditioning installation in Pittsburgh, PA with the greatest of care.

When you work with the professionals on the Brighton Air Condition, Heating Electrical Repairs staff, you’ll have no doubts about the quality of the air conditioning installation that you receive. Not only will our exceptional technicians ensure that your air conditioning installation is of the highest quality, but we’ll also ensure that your system is the right fit for your home and your personal preferences. Dial our number today to discuss the AC options available to you.

There are a lot of different factors that go into sizing a heating and cooling system. Your contractor has to take into account the local climate, the insulation levels, the air infiltration rates, and many other things to make sure you get the right size system for your home. A properly sized HVAC system will not only make your home more comfortable, but it will also help you save energy!

Did you know that the size of your air conditioner can have a major impact on its performance quality? We don’t mean the physical size of the unit, but rather the cooling capacity of your system. If your air conditioner is not of the right for the space it is meant to cool, then you can expect to encounter a number of different problems. What you may not expect, though, is that bigger is not always better when it comes to a home cooling system.

The problems that you’d run into in using an undersized air conditioner are fairly obvious. The system would struggle in order to meet a cooling demand that it is simply not designed to handle, meaning that it will run for far too long and far too frequently as it tries to cool the space. This drives up energy consumption and utility bills, while leaving you living in less comfort than you deserve. An oversized system is no better, though. An AC that is too large for a space will actually cool that property too quickly. This does not give the system time to sufficiently dehumidify the air, and the frequent short cycling will put unnecessary wear and tear on the equipment. When we install your AC, it is sure to fit your home just right.

No matter how handy you may be, and no matter how much research you may do, the fact of the matter is that there are some jobs which truly do demand a level of skill and expertise that only a qualified professional can offer. An air conditioning installation is a prime example of such a job. Under no circumstances can you delude yourself into believing that your AC installation is a good DIY opportunity.

In addition to properly sizing your air conditioner, your AC installation technician will also carefully plan and design the system to maximize its performance within your home. This entails everything from the design of the ductwork system to the location of the thermostat(s) in your home. It is far too much for a nonprofessional to oversee successfully. Plus, only licensed technicians can handle the refrigerant that your system must use in order to facilitate the heat transfer process. The bottom line is, you should be calling our number when you want your air conditioning installation done right.

Because our goal is always the 100% satisfaction of our valued clients, nothing would make us happier than to provide those clients with a completely reliable air conditioner that would last forever. The reality of the situation, though, is that no mechanical system, all air conditioners included, can last forever. At some point, you will find yourself in need of an air conditioning replacement. When you do, we’re the professionals to call.

There are many different types of air conditioning systems out there, so an air conditioning replacement can actually prove to be a great opportunity for homeowners interested in trying something new when cooling their homes. Regardless of what type of air conditioner you may choose, though, remember that only a skilled, trained professional can be trusted to complete your air conditioning replacement properly. Dial our number, and let the pros at Brighton Air Condition, Heating Electrical Repairs get the job done right.

Did you know that older homes tend to have oversized HVAC systems? Especially if you have made your home more energy efficient by adding more insulation or new windows, your current air conditioning system might be much larger than you need. If you are replacing your air conditioning system, don’t just get a unit with the same capacity as your old model, have a professional do a load calculation on your home to determine the size you need.

If you ask most people when they would consider replacing their air conditioning systems, many of them would probably suggest doing so when their existing system has broken down. This really is not the best way to go about an air conditioning replacement, though. Waiting for your system to break down entirely before scheduling your air conditioning replacement can leave you in a very uncomfortable position, as a compromised or very old system is most likely to break down during the summer season, when temperatures are at their highest and the system is working regularly. That is why it is best to keep a few factors in mind, and to replace an air conditioner prior to a total breakdown.
Keep the age of your system in mind. If it is at or beyond its expected service lifespan, then you may want to consider scheduling a replacement before it breaks down. Also consider its reliability and cost of operation. If your system is no longer capable of functioning efficiently, or if it requires frequent repairs, then it may make more sense financially to replace it with a newer, more efficient and more dependable system.

Even if you’ve accepted the fact that the time has come for an air conditioning replacement in your home, there is still some work to be done on your part. You must do some research and consider your air conditioning replacement options carefully if you hope to be completely satisfied with the new air conditioner that you wind up with. Dialing our number to discuss available options is a great place to start.

Our team excels in the installation of all manner of air conditioning systems. Do you want to continue using a ducted system? We’ll replace your existing model with an appropriately sized and expertly installed system. We’ll also make sure that, should existing ductwork be in place, your existing ductwork is in the fine shape befitting its union with a brand new AC system. No matter what type of replacement air conditioner you opt for, you can count on our skilled technicians to get your new air conditioner off to a great start.

For more details about our services, you may leave us a message here or call us at 215-302-7994.

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