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Indoor Air Quality

air conditioning systemYou need to be able to maintain comfortable temperatures within your home throughout the year. However, it is not solely temperature control with which you must concern yourself, at least not if you hope to live in true comfort. To achieve that goal, you must also maintain great indoor air quality within your living space. This is not going to be possible if the air in your home is simply too dry.
Fortunately, the indoor air quality specialists on the Brighton Air Condition, Heating Electrical Repairs team are always happy to help homeowners throughout the area to improve the quality of the air within their homes. We install and serviced quality humidifiers in Pittsburgh, PA. If you think that the air in your home is too dry, then you are wise to schedule a whole–house humidifier installation with a skilled technician in our employ.

Brighton Air Condition, Heating Electrical Repairs offers whole–house humidifier services

Some people hear the phrase “dry air” and dismiss the issue as unimportant. In truth, though, having air that is too dry throughout your home can actually lead to a number of undesirable issues. Because you will be surrounded by this dry air at all times in your home, it can start to take a toll on your body, leaving your skin dry and itchy while potentially causing frequent sore throats, and even nosebleeds. However, the ill effects of very dry air don’t stop with those inflicted upon your body. They also extend to your household and your property.

If the air in your home is very dry, wooden floorboards or fixtures in your home can dry out, splitting and cracking. Paint can chip, and wallpaper may crack as well. Plus, dry air promotes increased instances of static shocks, which can prove detrimental to sensitive electronic devices. To ensure that you don’t suffer from these issues in your home, we strongly recommend the use of a whole–house humidifier.

When you have very dry air in your home, you don’t want to be wheeling inefficient, marginally–effective humidifiers throughout your entire house in an effort to instill the air therein with sufficient humidity. That is why you should instead opt for a whole–house humidifier. Such systems are integrated directly into HVAC systems and are fed water via a distribution line, so that you don’t have to worry about refilling any reserves. Whole–house humidifiers take all of the hassle out of ensuring excellent humidification in one’s home.

Of course, it is necessary that your whole–house humidifier is installed and serviced by a trained professional. That is why you should schedule your humidifier installation and services with the IAQ professionals on our staff. We’ll make sure that the humidifier in your home is of an appropriate capacity for your needs, and that it is fed with water in a dependable manner. Contact a member of our team today to discuss available makes and models. With our help, you’ll be enjoying a properly humidified, more healthful and comfortable environment in no time.

Your HVAC system works hard throughout the year in order to ensure that you have a comfortable home to return to at the end of the end of the day. However, you really cannot expect your heating and cooling systems alone to keep your home as comfortable as you’d like in every way. In order to achieve a truly comprehensive level of comfort in your home, the air must be clean and pure, in addition to being kept at a comfortable temperature. Simply put, your HVAC system is not designed to ensure that this is the case.

It is for this very reason that companies like our own offer the installation and servicing of air purifiers. When your home is equipped with the necessary air purification system(s), you can breathe air that truly satisfies your quality expectations. Just remember that your any air purifier in Pittsburgh, PA that you may use must be installed and serviced by qualified technicians. You can simply dial our number to guarantee that this is the case.

Brighton Air Condition, Heating Electrical Repairs offers air purifier services

It may sound like an old cliché, but it really is important to use the right tool for any given job. This is certainly true in the area of air purification. The good news, of course, is that there are different systems capable of resolving the various problems that homeowners may encounter with their indoor air quality. The bad news is that not all homeowners are diligent in ensuring that they are using the right air purifiers for their specific situation.

For instance, an electronic air purifier, such as an electronic precipitator, is a great option for homeowners looking to resolve issues with airborne pollutants, including dust and dirt, throughout their homes. These pollutants can be charged and collected on oppositely charged plates, which in turn are simply removed and cleaned on occasion. For biological pollutants, though, including viruses, mold, and bacteria, you will benefit greatly from UV air purifiers. These purifiers don’t filter the air to remove pollutants but use UV radiation in order to destroy biological threats. This makes them a great supplement to, but no a replacement for, electronic air purifiers or an air filtration system.

While there are certain instances in which a portable air purifier can be useful, homeowners are wise to opt for whole–house coverage when choosing their air purification systems. This means you won’t have to move anything around from room to room, and you really don’t need to have many hands–on experience with your air purifier. Simply have it installed, take care of its basic maintenance, such as cleaning any collection trays or plates, and enjoy improved indoor air quality.

Naturally, the only way in which to get the best performance that any air purifier has to offer is to schedule your air purifier installation and subsequent services with a trained, experienced IAQ technician. That’s the only type that you’ll find on our exceptional team. Learn more by dialing our number and inquiring about our air purifier products and services today.

A thermostat is usually a small object on the wall of a home near the center of the living space. The standard thermostat model is designed to make it blend in with its surroundings and appear unobtrusive. However, this makes it easy for people to take for granted the job that a thermostat performs, which is critical for quality comfort in both hot and cold weather and for maintaining energy efficiency.

Thermostat technology continues to evolve, and the current cutting edge models have fantastic features that help save money while providing better heating and cooling. Our technicians at Brighton Air Condition, Heating Electrical Repairs can install new thermostats in your house to help you improve your comfort around the year. If you are only looking for repairs for your current thermostat call 800-301-5152.

Turning your thermostat down even a few degrees can actually have a big impact on your heating bills. For each degree under 72 degrees that you set your thermostat, you can save 3 percent! Those savings can really add up over time, especially if you have a programmable thermostat that can automatically lower your home’s temperature when you do not need a lot of heat, such as during the day when everyone is a work or school.

A thermostat can develop a number of different faults. The two most common are for the thermostat to lose its connection to the rest of the HVAC system or for it to become miscalibrated and start to read incorrect temperatures. Both are serious issues: a lost connection can mean a heater or AC that won’t turn on or turn off, and miscalibrated readings will cause the comfort system to behave in ways that drain energy and create uncomfortable temperatures in the house. Because modern thermostats are complicated devices, you must have professionals handle repairing them. In some cases, it’s probably better to have the old units replaced.

How old is the thermostat in your home? If you still have an old manual model that uses sliders or dials, or a digital model with no extra features, it’s past time for an upgrade. Here are the options to consider for a new thermostat installation:

  • Programmable thermostat: A digital programmable thermostat gives you greater control over how energy is used in your home. You can come home or wake up to a comfortable environment, but not need to waste power keeping the AC or heater running until that time.
  • Wireless thermostat: Without the need for hard–wiring, thermostats are much easier to place in a home. A wireless thermostat is ideal for a zone control system. Most models come with remote control for greater convenience.
  • Smart thermostat: The leading edge in thermostat technology today is the “smart” models. What makes them smart is that they learn from your settings and use that data to create their own programs that maximize energy use. Smart thermostats usually come with Wi–Fi capability so you can control the thermostat from anywhere you have Internet or smart phone connection.

Air cleanliness is a top priority for all of our customers, so as well as providing ductwork repair services, Brighton Air Condition, Heating Electrical Repairs frequently sit down with customers to discuss what air cleaners would be the best fit for their homes.

It can be a tricky process choosing a single brand of air cleaner. After all, no two cleaners are alike. Some excel at removing smoke from the air while others are built to filter out actual physical particles like dust and pollen.

To select an air cleaner, you must determine if a mechanical or electronic model is best for you. Each option has a variety of features that sets it apart from the others, the effects of which largely depend on your choice.

A mechanical air cleaner works with a HEPA filter to target and remove particles larger than 0.3 microns from the air. Most filters in this category are more than 99.9% effective at reaching these levels of filtration. That does not mean they cannot remove smaller particles; just that when those particles become smaller, some may get through the mechanical filter.

Along with being easier to maintain, mechanical air cleaners are less expensive to operate because they use less electricity but require a new filter occasionally.

While the majority of the pollutants captured by a mechanical air cleaner will be dander and allergen related, these with the addition of UV germicidal light filters can also capture many types of bacteria and viruses that go airborne, helping to reduce the impact of disease on your home.

The other type of air cleaner that we offer is the electronic variety. These devices work by creating an ionized charge to attract unwanted particles. As particles pass through the filter they are charged. They are then attracted to specific elements in the filter that are designed to pull in that type of electrostatic charge.

While mechanical air cleaners are a good option for those homes with frequent recurring large pollutants like dander and pollen, electronic air cleaners work best for extremely fine pollutants like smoke.

If you don’t already notice the pollutants in your home, it might be hard to determine which solution will be best. That’s where the Pittsburgh area air cleaning experts at Brighton can help. Our team of trained technicians can help you test and monitor air quality for different types of pollutants and find the perfect solution for your particular needs.

In some cases, it might even be that a combination of electronic and mechanical filtration will be best. In other cases, we may find a leak or a seal problem that can be repaired to reduce the impact of certain types of pollutants. Whatever the case, you need information to make your decision and we can help. With our large inventory of brands, models and sizes, and a long history of expertise in the air filtration field, we can provide the much needed insight you need to make an educated decision that will benefit the health of everyone in your home for years to come. Call us today for more information or to schedule a meeting and estimate for your home.

For more details about our services, you may leave us a message here or call us at 215-302-7994.

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